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During the 87th Texas Legislation, a new bill (Texas House Bill 1525) was adopted that requires parents or legal guardians to opt-in their students to participate in the Human Sexuality curriculum.  Decatur ISD 6-12 grade parents MUST turn in the district signed form stating their child CAN participate in these lessons.  

In Decatur ISD, students in Grades  6-12 are taught Human Sexuality Curriculum through presentations by 180 degrees, a non-profit organization. 

180 Degrees Program

180 Degrees is a sexual risk avoidance program designed to help teenagers recognize the consequences of premarital sex, the beauty of healthy marriage relationships, and turn their thinking about sex around a whole 180 degrees. All content has been reviewed by the Decatur ISD School Health Advisory Council (SHAC) and is grade-level specific and developmentally appropriate.

More information about the curriculum can be found on the 180 Degrees website.

You can watch a recording of the parent presentation regarding the 180 Degrees curriculum here.

Questions regarding 180 Degrees should be directed to your child's school counselor.