rotary president, chair person, principal and speakers

DHS students, Brinley Burkhart, Liz Lackey and Ashlyn Miller, competed today at the Decatur Rotary meeting in the "4 Way Test" speech contest.  

During the spring semester many Rotary Clubs hold a Four-Way Test Speech Competition. It is a competition offered to high school students where the student must prepare a five to seven minute speech to illustrate the Rotary Four-Way Test.

The student is judged on Content (50%), Organization (30%), and Delivery (20%). The student must follow the Four-Way Test Theme throughout, must relate the speech to his/her own activities, must present a human-interest appeal, and must choose language that is clear, vivid and persuasive. The student must demonstrate organization of thought including an introduction, clear and orderly points and a brief conclusion that drives home the point of application. And finally, the student must be effective in his or her speech delivery including volume, grammar, gestures and attitude toward the audience.

The test, which has been translated into more than 100 languages, asks the following questions: Of the things we think, say or do...

  1. Is it the TRUTH?
  2. Is it FAIR to all concerned?
  4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?

During Liz Lackey's speech, which centered around the theme of gossip, she stated, "By using the 4 way test, we are given a filter of what flows from the heart, to the mind and to the mouth.  The four way test provides a four step process to think about before I leak information to someone else."

Liz Lackey

Miller reminded the crowd of the following during her speech, "The word beneficial can be defined as resulting in good.  This does not mean everyone will be happy with the outcome.  Good can be success.  I think that we often confuse those things and worry about pleasing everyone and making sure everyone gets what they want...if a child is always given what they want and they have no rules or boundaries, they may be happy but will they be successful?"

Ashlynn Miller

And Burkhart finished her speech with this thought, "What would the world look like if we all practiced the 4 way test in daily life? Maybe countries could lean on one another in times of need. Maybe there will be more unity amongst the people.  Maybe we could learn to empathize with each other just a little more."

Brinley Burkhart

Liz Lackey won the honor of first place in the contest; however, all three participants shined as models of Decatur ISD and DHS.

If you know of a story that should be celebrated in Decatur ISD, please email