Who are you going to recognize? Nominations due Dec. 9th!! https://forms.gle/ezED7pnL8Qc4GDyV7 https://www.decaturisd.us/Page/15875
about 2 years ago, Decatur ISD
alejandra holding the bright light pin
December Lunch Menu 🍽️
about 2 years ago, Rann Elementary
December lunch menu
Give an educator the gift of a "Bright Light" recognition! $10- Bright Light pin and certificate, name in paper nominate and pay online: https://forms.gle/RMFCxyW1JrS7rmqy5 pdf: https://5il.co/1l6rd #decatureducationfoundation
about 2 years ago, Decatur ISD
about 2 years ago, Decatur ISD
early release 11/18/22, elem 12:30, hs/mms 12:45
Reminder: Fun Run is rescheduled due to weather
about 2 years ago, Annalysa Elledge
Fun Run Rescheudled
Fun Run