Eagles Win!!! Moving on!!! Final 38-35 DECATUR!!!
5 months ago, Decatur ISD
INFO for football fans @Baylor stadium tonight... CLEAR BAG POLICY NO STADIUM SEATS BLANKETS ALLOWED
5 months ago, Decatur ISD
Hello Decatur ISD Parents, Guardians, Staff and Community, The Decatur ISD school board and administration have partnered with Corgan Architects to facilitate a community committee dedicated to the work of long range facility planning for Decatur ISD. This is not a bond committee. This group will look at growth projections, demographic data, current building and facility status and community vision in order to form a ten-year facility plan from which future decisions can be based. This group will begin meeting in the spring. The meeting schedule will be advertised to the committee members as soon as the meeting dates are solidified with the school board and administration. Though the schedule may adjust due to committee needs, we will attempt to stay with the posted schedule so that the committee can adequately plan their calendars. These meetings WILL BE OPEN TO THE COMMUNITY and recorded for public review. You do not have to be on the official committee to attend. Official committee members would need to make the commitment to attend as many meetings as possible, to fully process all information from each meeting for consistency and efficiency. This work will not be quick. It will be done thoroughly, which means the work will take as long as needed in order to be useful to the current and future decision makers of Decatur ISD. If you are interested in being on the committee you can submit your name HERE. https://www.decaturisd.us/forms/3175 Keep up with long range facility planning HERE. https://www.decaturisd.us/o/disd/page/long-range-facility-planning-committee Questions can be emailed to askaquestion@decaturisd.us or HERE. https://www.decaturisd.us/forms/community-questions We look forward to this process as we plan for the future of our district. Thank you, Decatur ISD
5 months ago, Decatur ISD
long range facility planning, photo of people at a meeting
On Nov. 29th Decatur ISD had 14 DHS Choir students audition at Krum HS for the Pre-Area competition. 9 students advanced to the Area round! Let's GOOOOO! #weAREdecatur
5 months ago, Decatur ISD
Link to nominate and pay: https://forms.gle/JF8ThFcA7WzW3rsf6 Each December and May the Decatur Education Foundation offers community members and families the opportunity to recognize an educator that has been a "Bright Light" to you and/or your family. Nominations are now open. Each educator nominated will receive a card and pin from YOU delivered before the Christmas break and their name in the WC Messenger. ***Each nomination is $10. All proceeds go to fund Decatur Education Foundation initiatives to strengthen learning in our school district. ***Nominations due December 17th pdf of flier: https://5il.co/1l6rd
5 months ago, Decatur ISD
see pdf link
BUY YOUR FOOTBALL TICKETS BY THURSDAY 11:59PM! Tickets purchased AFTER this time will send ticket proceeds to Baylor and not Decatur ISD. CORRECT TICKET LINK! (It will still be through the Baylor system.) https://baylorbears.evenue.net/events/HS
5 months ago, Decatur ISD
DECATUR VS brownwood, baylor stadium, 12/1, 7pm
Today the 11th Annual Live Thankfully 2023 officially began! Our student and staff leaders met for planning and inspiration at the kick off luncheon. Please bring your food donations to any campus. Please ONLY bring items on the list. #weAREdecatur pdf: https://5il.co/29n3u
5 months ago, Decatur ISD
see pdf link
Kindergarten G/T Process Info: District Wide Parent Info Meeting Wed, Nov. 29th @STEM Academy @ Enis @6pm Recommendations due Dec. 15th! EspaƱol: https://5il.co/29ksl English: https://5il.co/29ksm
5 months ago, Decatur ISD
see pdf link
Football State Quarter Finals!!!!! Decatur vs. Brownwood Baylor McLane Stadium Dec. 1st @7pm Ticket info to come... Let's GOOOOO! #weAREdecatur
5 months ago, Decatur ISD
12/1/23, 7pm, McLane Stadium, state quarter finals
Citywide Pep Rally on Tuesday, Nov. 28th @ 7pm on the square! LET'S GOOOOO! #weAREdecatur
6 months ago, Decatur ISD
11/28 pep rally at 7pm on the square
Decatur wins 52-21 to become YOUR regional semi-final champs! Citywide Pep Rally Tuesday night on the square. More info to come soon!!! #weAREdecatur
6 months ago, Decatur ISD
team and trophy
We are thankful for our students, staff and families and wish everyone a blessed and happy Thanksgiving! #weAREdecatur
6 months ago, Decatur ISD
happy thanksgiving w Turkey waving and D
The football playoff game Friday VIDEO will be on the NFHS broadcast. You must subscribe to this at: https://www.nfhsnetwork.com/events/uil/gam85c7ee0a21 Audio will be available at no cost on www.lonestarsportsradio.com This is UIL policy.
6 months ago, Decatur ISD
Regional Semi-Final Info: Tickets WILL BE available here Monday at 8am: http://www.abileneisd.org/tickets Tickets: $6 / $4 Parking: $5 cash or Venmo Concessions: credit card only
6 months ago, Decatur ISD
decatur vs. estacado, shotwell stadium abilene, 11/24, 1pm
Football Playoff Game Info for Tonight: Shotwell stadium is credit card only at gate and at concessions. Parking fee is cash or Venmo.
6 months ago, Decatur ISD
UPDATE! DUE to popular demand orders must close today, 11/27/23, in order to arrive by the Christmas break! SWEATSHIRT AND HOODIE SPIRIT SALE! Order link: https://forms.gle/MndJuTbd32bv9W477 You can gift a staff member using the same order link! #decatureducationfoundation
6 months ago, Decatur ISD
spirit sale, orders due dec. 1st
The Lady Eagle Cross Country team was recognized at the November Decatur ISD board meeting for their accomplishment of competing at the STATE UIL cross country meet. #weAREdecatur
6 months ago, Decatur ISD
girls XC team
Matthew, Kane and Wyatt Stout, students from the STEM Academy @ Enis, presented the pledge at the November meeting of the Decatur board of trustees. #weAREdecatur
6 months ago, Decatur ISD
students with board members
"Kindness costs nothing, yet it is a most precious gift." Post your quote about kindness in the comments and tag a friend who promotes kindness to be entered to win a DISD tumbler! #weAREdecatur
6 months ago, Decatur ISD
earth with world kindness day
Employees from Decatur ISD's central admin., technology and operations depts. packed Operation Christmas Child boxes. It is our mission to serve others. FBC Decatur does a great job coordinating this and can help your org. if you would like to participate! #weAREdecatur
6 months ago, Decatur ISD
operation christmas child shoe boxes