HOCO Pep Rally Tonight!
FREE Hotdogs @ 7pm
Pep Rally @ 8pm
FREE GLOW BRACELETS for the first 1000 visitors!

Beach Day Tomorrow!

Last call to preorder a Pink Out shirt is Sept.15th.

Wear your jerseys tomorrow!

Spirit Table Friday for home games! Come get some Eagle gear! Open at 7:15 a.m. in front foyer!

Staff had cookie treats sponsored by PTO and Decatur Heat and Air today. Thank you for supporting our school and spoiling our teachers.

PTO Membership Drive Winners!

Decatur ISD phone service has been restored. If you experience trouble reaching a campus please try again or call from a different number. Thank you for your patience as our IT department continues to work on the disabled main computer server.

Kindergarten is learning their colors!
Wear YELLOW on Thursday to support them! 💛💛

At 5:51 am the DISD main server went down. At this time this is NOT believed to have been caused by "hacking." We are working on a temp solution while the server is being repaired. Phone service is inconsistent at this time b/c the phones work off the internet. Students are completing scheduled lessons.

DISD internet is down. This also affects our phone lines. We will let you know when internet and phones are back up and running.

DHS football players and cheerleaders greeting our students in morning drop off. This starts the day out right!

Attendance incentive starts today!

Tomorrow wear blue to support Kindergarten and it's Hat day!

Reminder: We have an early release day Friday, September 1st and no school on Monday, September 4th.

HOCO 2023!
Community pep rally Sept. 13th @ Eagle Stadium!
Free hot dogs @ 7:30
Rally @ 8pm

Varsity football and cheer here this morning greeting our students. We love seeing them connect with our students.

Wear RED on Thursday, August 24th to support our Kindergarten!

Our preorder sale is LIVE! Use the link below to shop! We’ve got your spirit wear needs covered with Rann specific designs and a couple Eagle options as well! Youth and adult sizes available in each design.
The preorder sale will close 09/04
Shirts are estimated to be completed by the end of September. Orders will be sent home with your child.

Buses will be about 10 to 20 minutes delayed on routes.