Rann Elementary students, Emilia Rozell and Avery Goggins, led the pledges at the January meeting of the Decatur ISD Board of Trustees. Thank you ladies! #weAREdecatur
12 months ago, Decatur ISD
students with board members
12 months ago, Decatur ISD
see pdf link
We can't wait to see our students on Tuesday!
about 1 year ago, Tanya Ledger
Wear red and white tomorrow! 12/7
about 1 year ago, Rann Elementary
red and white
red and white
Join the Decatur HS FCCLA for "Cookies with Santa!" pdf: https://5il.co/2a6jg #weAREdecatur
about 1 year ago, Decatur ISD
see pdf file
Hello Decatur ISD Parents, Guardians, Staff and Community, The Decatur ISD school board and administration have partnered with Corgan Architects to facilitate a community committee dedicated to the work of long range facility planning for Decatur ISD. This is not a bond committee. This group will look at growth projections, demographic data, current building and facility status and community vision in order to form a ten-year facility plan from which future decisions can be based. This group will begin meeting in the spring. The meeting schedule will be advertised to the committee members as soon as the meeting dates are solidified with the school board and administration. Though the schedule may adjust due to committee needs, we will attempt to stay with the posted schedule so that the committee can adequately plan their calendars. These meetings WILL BE OPEN TO THE COMMUNITY and recorded for public review. You do not have to be on the official committee to attend. Official committee members would need to make the commitment to attend as many meetings as possible, to fully process all information from each meeting for consistency and efficiency. This work will not be quick. It will be done thoroughly, which means the work will take as long as needed in order to be useful to the current and future decision makers of Decatur ISD. If you are interested in being on the committee you can submit your name HERE. https://www.decaturisd.us/forms/3175 Keep up with long range facility planning HERE. https://www.decaturisd.us/o/disd/page/long-range-facility-planning-committee Questions can be emailed to askaquestion@decaturisd.us or HERE. https://www.decaturisd.us/forms/community-questions We look forward to this process as we plan for the future of our district. Thank you, Decatur ISD
about 1 year ago, Decatur ISD
long range facility planning, photo of people at a meeting
Link to nominate and pay: https://forms.gle/JF8ThFcA7WzW3rsf6 Each December and May the Decatur Education Foundation offers community members and families the opportunity to recognize an educator that has been a "Bright Light" to you and/or your family. Nominations are now open. Each educator nominated will receive a card and pin from YOU delivered before the Christmas break and their name in the WC Messenger. ***Each nomination is $10. All proceeds go to fund Decatur Education Foundation initiatives to strengthen learning in our school district. ***Nominations due December 17th pdf of flier: https://5il.co/1l6rd
about 1 year ago, Decatur ISD
see pdf link
Kindergarten G/T Process Info: District Wide Parent Info Meeting Wed, Nov. 29th @STEM Academy @ Enis @6pm Recommendations due Dec. 15th! Español: https://5il.co/29ksl English: https://5il.co/29ksm
about 1 year ago, Decatur ISD
see pdf link
Rann's Thanksgiving feast 2023
about 1 year ago, Tanya Ledger
Rann's Thanksgiving feast 2023
about 1 year ago, Tanya Ledger
UPDATE! DUE to popular demand orders must close today, 11/27/23, in order to arrive by the Christmas break! SWEATSHIRT AND HOODIE SPIRIT SALE! Order link: https://forms.gle/MndJuTbd32bv9W477 You can gift a staff member using the same order link! #decatureducationfoundation
about 1 year ago, Decatur ISD
spirit sale, orders due dec. 1st
On this Veteran's Day 2023 Decatur ISD says, "thank you," to all who have served and are serving. #weAREdecatur
about 1 year ago, Decatur ISD
we don't know them all but we owe them all with respect honor and gratitude thank you veterans decatur d and us flag
Leadership Decatur was all learning today as they toured various places and programs learning about DISD! At lunch, prepared by DHS culinary classes, they were joined by Junior Leadership Decatur and Rann Elem. Leadership for discussion about leadership across all ages.
about 1 year ago, Decatur ISD
photos of leadership class with children
TODAY IS ELECTION DAY! Post your sticker picture here!!! #weAREdecatur
about 1 year ago, Decatur ISD
I voted sticker
Wow!! Thank you Crossroads church and volunteers who helped spruce up our butterfly garden. We can't wait to replant, grow, and utilize this AMAZING space for kids!
about 1 year ago, Tanya Ledger
Generation Texas week
about 1 year ago, Tanya Ledger
gen tx
gen tx
Last call for Pickleball Players!!! Register to have FUN and support the DEF! Register here: https://forms.gle/iuvotgdjpYzxMAUeA Call us at 940.393.7100 if you want to register over the phone.
about 1 year ago, Decatur ISD
see pdf link
Our Rann Ofrenda
about 1 year ago, Rann Elementary
Rann ofrenda lit up with pictures.
We had such a fun day on Friday dressing up for our Story Book Parade!
about 1 year ago, Rann Elementary
Sell chocolate, earn cool prizes!!
about 1 year ago, Tanya Ledger